R.J. Koning has researched, developed, and is now teaching through the CI® Stucco Institute a two-day in-depth certification program on stucco and lath codes in hot and humid climates! This course will include classroom and field instruction in preparing and installing a complete rigid “cladding” exterior stucco system. If you are a practicing stucco and waterproofing professional or design professional, you DON’T WANT TO MISS THIS!! After completing this course, you will understand not only “how-to” but “why” all parts of the sealed system must work together to ensure a guaranteed COMPLETE water-resistant building exterior.
Course Schedule and Contents:
8AM – 10AM |
Stucco Envelope Failures, their causes, and cures | Photographs and case histories of building envelope failures from improper plan details, product specifications, and installation procedures. |
Break | Break | |
10:30AM-12PM | Stucco Codes and Regulations | Understanding Florida’s Code requirements, ASTM C-926 and C-1063, and Sealed Cladding System Code approvals. |
Lunch Provided | Lunch Provided | |
1PM – 2PM | Understanding coatings and coating applications | Different types of coating base materials, preparing a stucco wall for coating application, applying coatings, measuring mil thickness. |
2PM – 2:30PM | Sealants | Understanding different sealants, use, and application of sealants, tooling and 3 point adhesion, backer rods and their uses. |
Break | Break | |
3:15PM – 4PM | Weather Resistant Barriers | Energy code requirements for air and moisture barriers, Types of weather-resistant barriers and vapor barriers, effect on stucco curing |
4PM – 4:30PM | Flashings | Integration of weather-resistant barrier and roof/wall flashings, Integrating the flashings with the cladding system, balcony, deck, and wall flashings and terminations |
4:30PM – 5PM | Hands-on Flashing Construction | Students will prepare and build mock flashing details for typical cladding interfaces and terminations. |
DAY 28AM – 10AM |
Estimating Job Materials | Estimating Structalath, installing Structalath, accessories, and terminations, estimating quantity of cement bag goods and materials, estimating the quantity of coatings and sealants. |
Break | Break | |
10:30AM – 12PM | Installing the StractaLath | Installing the StructaLath wire, fastening and fastening pattern, installing accessories, panelizing (control) joints, weep screed and terminations. |
Lunch Provided | Lunch Provided | |
1PM – 2PM | Application of Stucco | Proper mixing and proportions, applying the stucco, monolithic application of coats, rodding and screeding, densification, cutting keyways and relief kerfs, preparing for coatings and sealants, curing of cladding components. |
2PM – 2:30PM | Application of Coating | Understanding the PH level, hot primers, applying the coating, roller nap rollers, applying the coating, spray equipment, determining required mil thickness. |
Break | Break | |
3:15PM – 4PM | Sealants | Preparing the base to receive sealants, fenestration corners, interfaces, backer rods, kerfs, and keyways, sealing penetrations, tooling, using spatulas. |
4PM – 4:30PM | Hands-On Demonstrations | Hands-on module for application, densification and rodding of corners. Customer information, maintenance, placing placards and technician obligations and responsibilities, code of conduct. |
4:30 – 5:30PM | Examinations/Certifications | Students will be tested and certified |
Sign up today for this special engagement offering class taught by renowned industry expert Robert Koning! Class size is limited – Enroll Today!